I don´t think I have ever made a New Years Resolution in my life. I don´t believe in them. But I must admit, that I have made some changes/goals for this new year. I have stopped smoking, and I have started on the exercise program Bodyboss. I am now on the second week of the pretraining in the Bodyboss program. And I am so sore. I have decided to do the 4 weeks of pretraining, and then I will decide if I want to continue with the program. I believe that you must find, what suits you. But don´t give up to early. Give it a chance, and then se, if it works for you. So that’s what I am doing. I have always been in bad shape and I have found that the older you get. The more your body needs exercise. So I am doing this to feel better. Doing this for my health. Love the Blond Goddess
New Years Resolutions, no thank you